STRmix™ Resolve more DNA Mixtures

A New Zealand Research Commercialisation Success Story

STRmix™ is "expert software" designed by researchers at ESR and Forensic Science South Australia and used by DNA reporting analysts for the interpretation of forensic DNA profiles, with particular application to complex DNA mixtures, with no restriction on the number of contributors.

The concepts applied and the way that the system works are able to be understood by DNA scientists with an appropriate background in DNA statistics and are able to be explained in court.

This is critical for the acceptance of such an approach within the criminal justice system. Answers delivered using a "black box" technology are unlikely to be allowed in court proceedings.

The first commercial version of STRmix™ was made available in January 2014, and instantly attracted significant international attention.

STRmix™ has had strong sales into foreign markets and ESR have established a strong potential sales pipeline, indicating many potential buyers looking to take up STRmix™.

The KiwiNet Investment Committee approved PreSeed funding for this project in late 2013, and ESR have successfully accelerated this project to a commercial success that is resulting in significant export returns to New Zealand.

Taking a lab model and turning it into a commercial product is a big step, or rather, a series of smaller steps. Pre-Seed funding from KiwiNet was a crucial support in that journey to commercialisation. It helped establish market demand, sort out the best business model, and define a clear market entry strategy.

Hamish Findlay, Commercial Manager, ESR